Did you know that 1,276 is the national average number of applicants per job posting?
Remember that this number only assesses semi- and fully skilled labor, yet professionals in sales, administration, marketing, and more have even more competition. Sound daunting? Kicking off a job search is hard enough.
Without a sea of competitors, you can’t hope to beat them out. Well, don’t lose hope just yet. Targeting your job search and crafting the perfect resume for each job opportunity is a great way to score an interview, but mastering your CV with care can make a difference as well.
Keep reading to discover how to write a CV that stands out from the rest.
Personal Branding
If you want to make your CV stand out from the rest, one of the best things you can do is focus on personal branding. This means creating a CV that reflects your skills and experience, personality, and unique selling points.
To do this, start by considering what makes you different from other candidates. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your passions and interests?
What makes you unique? Once you understand these things well, you can start to craft a CV that showcases your individuality. For additional help, try working with a specialised company like https://cvexperts.com. Once you have an idea of what you want to include in the CV, they can help to tailor the perfect one to a very high standard.
Creative Layout and Design
Think about the layout and design of your CV, and make sure it is visually appealing. Use colours, imagery, and fonts that reflect your personality. Be creative and make sure your CV reflects who you are.
Use clean, simple lines and easily readable fonts to give your CV a professional look and feel. Remember to highlight your most relevant skills and experience with bold text and bullet points. Use infographics and charts to break up long blocks of text and make complex information easier to digest.
Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences
Focus on your unique skills and experience. For example, highlight this in your CV if you have experience in a particular field. If you have specialized knowledge or skills, include them as well.
You can also use your CV to highlight your strengths and attributes. For example, if you are highly organized, you can mention this in your CV.
Use Industry Keywords
When employers look through a stack of resumes, they often scan for keywords and phrases that match the job description. Use keywords from the job posting throughout your CV to increase the chances that your resume will be seen as relevant. Address the required qualifications and include related skills and experience.
If you have space, consider adding a section with keywords that describe your professional brand. Using the right keywords ensures that your CV stands out from the rest and catches the reader’s attention.
Easy to Read
Use clear and concise language, and avoid any jargon or technical terms. Stick to a simple format and use bullet points to highlight your key skills and experience. By doing this, the reader can easily scan your CV and see the most relevant information.
And most importantly, tailor your CV to the specific job you’re applying for. Show how your skills and experience match the requirements of the role and make it clear why you’re the perfect candidate for the job.
Keep your CV to two pages or fewer. Employers will not have time to read a long, rambling CV.
Also, don’t forget to proofread your CV thoroughly before sending it off. Typos and grammatical errors will not reflect well on you, so take the time to check your CV for any mistakes.
Think Beyond Experience
When writing a CV that stands out from the rest, it is important to think beyond your experience and consider other aspects of your life that make you unique. For example, what skills and qualities would make you ideal for the job you are applying for?
Are there any particular accomplishments or awards that you have received that would make you stand out?
Know How to Write a Catchy CV
A well-written, informative CV is the key to standing out from the crowd and landing your desired job. But, with so much competition out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. Use these tips to create a CV that will wow potential employers and set you apart.
You should use personal branding, create a creative layout and design, highlight relevant skills and experiences, use industry keywords, and make it easy to read and think beyond experience.
Check out our other posts for more helpful tips!